Wednesday, May 19, 2010
lets vote
If you live in America you live in one of the greatest countries in the world, partly because we all as citizen have the rightto vote, to voice our opinions. I have very rarely missed a chance to vote since turning 18. It's the most valuable right that our founding fathers gave us.I don't understand why anyone would not vote. It's the best way we can insure our children and our children's children have a wonderful place to live. It's a way we, as average ordinary individuals can become heroes.So please let's not waste our chance to tell those in charge how we wish to leave this country for our children when we are gone. I ask you to vote, vote with your heart, vote with your children in mind. Lets give them all the right to an education to make them the best possible person they can strive to be. Lets give them the health care they deserve so can grow up strong and healthy. Lets give them the right to breath clean air and drink clean water....lets face it we have to stop the use of oil, its disastrous. I have never understood why we have used oil for so long. Why not wind, water, solar? Yes I know these things all cost money....money at a time when our nation is in a financial crisis.....but in the long run is it not worth it? Are our children not worth it? I think they are and I'm not a mother.Why would someone with no children care? I care because your children will be the ones that will be taking care of me when I can no longer take care of myself. Why? because thats my life-rjw
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Happy Mothers Day
Thursday, May 6, 2010
mother's advice
Last night there was a story of a guy who has a twitter account, "shit my dad says". I had to laugh to myself, I could have "shit my mother says" she has come up with some of the most bizarre words of wisdom and advice. One of her most infamous words of advice to me one day awhile back was to "watch out for birds, they'll poop in your eyes and you will go blind" Whhhaaat? Who'd of thought birds were so conniving?Is that what they are discussing up there on the electric lines? That and how they're going to poop all over your car.I wonder if this is the reason along with ants, flys, mosquitoes, spiders,snakes and other assorted things that she has an aversion to going outside? Is she a bit nuts? Yes she is...thats my life,RJW
My Dad part 1
Ive been thinking allot about my dad this last month. It' hard to believe he been gone for 7 years already. He passed the day after my birthday. I really miss his birthday cards and could always imagine him at the local hallmark store picking on the girl behind the counter. He must of spent a good amount of time down there because he would always send me two or three cards, he'd send the mushy card that let you know just how much he loved you and make you well up in tears and then he'd send you the funny card with just a hint of mean spirited in it, just enough to make you go ooh! That's just the way he was, in his big Stetson hat and cowboy boots.
When I was 16 or so he would come home, if I was there he would have me pull those boots off.He would be seated at the kitchen table holding is foot up in the air. "Come help me off with these" of course I would oblige him and straddle his leg to pull of the boot. I'd pull and he"d curl his toes up and jam his foot in his boot, placing is other foot on my hind side and pushing me with it, both of us a mass of giggles. One day i decided I was going to show him, and pulled him right out of his chair. I pulled him so hard he came sliding out of his chair sending it sliding in the opposite direction, and we both came crashing down on the kitchen floor, me some distance away from him with his boot in my hands. He sat there on the floor with this stunned look on his face laughing big booms of laughter. After that he would act like he was intrepid of having me help him with his boots, but it didn't stop him from asking or from him jamming his toes up in those boots always pushing me with the other foot.
He was ornery as all get out, Walking past him in the hallway you would always be on alert, sure he was going to give you a big pinch on your ass or block you so you would have to run yourself into the wall to get around him. Sometimes I think I'm more like him than I would like to admit....Thats my life-RJW
When I was 16 or so he would come home, if I was there he would have me pull those boots off.He would be seated at the kitchen table holding is foot up in the air. "Come help me off with these" of course I would oblige him and straddle his leg to pull of the boot. I'd pull and he"d curl his toes up and jam his foot in his boot, placing is other foot on my hind side and pushing me with it, both of us a mass of giggles. One day i decided I was going to show him, and pulled him right out of his chair. I pulled him so hard he came sliding out of his chair sending it sliding in the opposite direction, and we both came crashing down on the kitchen floor, me some distance away from him with his boot in my hands. He sat there on the floor with this stunned look on his face laughing big booms of laughter. After that he would act like he was intrepid of having me help him with his boots, but it didn't stop him from asking or from him jamming his toes up in those boots always pushing me with the other foot.
He was ornery as all get out, Walking past him in the hallway you would always be on alert, sure he was going to give you a big pinch on your ass or block you so you would have to run yourself into the wall to get around him. Sometimes I think I'm more like him than I would like to admit....Thats my life-RJW
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